Monday, November 24, 2008

4th photo

This is the 4th photo, from the 4th file on our computer. It is Parker's 2nd birthday. He just woke up from his nap and we had presents for him. I was reading someone's blog recently and they were tagged to put the 4th photo from the 4th file up as a post. I was really curious to see what my photo would be. Thank goodness it was this! I want to know what other bloggers 4th photo, from the 4th file is. Let me know.....

Here is a better picture from that same file

Sunday, November 23, 2008


Thanksgiving 2004

Thanksgiving 2005

Thanksgiving 2007

We went yesterday to visit my mothers family in Duncan. My great-grandmother, Mitzi now lives with her son and his wife. Every year they have a thanksgiving dinner, and all of the family comes to visit and get re-acquainted. Mitzi will be 95 this December. She still paints, knits, croquet's and gets around very well. Mitzi had 3 children and they had children and then they had children, then they had children.

My mother is the oldest granddaughter, I am the oldest great grandchild and Alex is the oldest great-great grandchild. Mitzi has made a blanket for every grandchild and great-grandchild and now, great-great grandchild. My boys have OU afghans that she knitted herself. They also have baby blankets that she made too. I still have my afghan and even use it in the winter every year. I feel so lucky to have this wonderful christian woman be a part of my life and my children's lives. Zac got his blanket yesterday and I know that he will treasure it his whole life!

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Gift Ideas

Well, this list is hard because we have so many things! We have lots of action figures, legos, guns, and games. I would personally like to not have more of those things, but by-golly boys are hard to buy for. You could actually wrap up the toys they already own and give it to them again! So this year I am trying to come up with things that they could use over and over and not get bored. See how hard that is! Creative things. Here are a few things....

A Box, all kids love boxes, so there is one idea for everyone.

Books about things, like science, folk lores, and myths, monsters, ect....

Music, they use their cd player now and only have a few things to listen too (spongebob and a karoke cd.)

Cool clothes, you know the kind other kids wear
Cool shoes, Parker especially would love it!

Alex loves bad guy action figures, (he says they look cooler), creepy crawly stuff, science stuff.

Parker likes to be creative, he sits in bed at night and writes and plays toys and colors

Zac would love to have the wrapping paper and boxes that stuff comes in .
All the boys would love boxes big boxes!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Monday, November 10, 2008

How do studio's do it???

I tried to take photos of my boys together one evening and let me tell you, I do not have the patience. I think that next time I will just go to JCpennys. How can these places do it? We are probably in there about 20 mins and then done. Pay and we go home.

But when I try to take my own, I can not get my kids to be still or listen. I am fine with other people and their kids, but mine, OH LORDY. I still think I am having heart palpitations!

I did laugh later when I looked at the photos. They are pretty funny. First one, the kids are in the picture and the next one arms are waving and it looks like a cuckoo's nest. It made me laugh out loud, although, I didn't think it was funny in that moment. I keep going back and looking so I can laugh some more!

Friday, November 7, 2008


We spent halloween at my friend's house this year. They had a party and made dinner and lots of scary desserts. Then we took all the kids trick-or-treating. There were 7 kids and 8 adults, go figure. We had a blast and the boys have been talking about it non-stop! We were a little sad that we didn't see family on that night, but I know that everyone had a great time anyway. Here are the photos...

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Tuesday, November 4, 2008

I voted

Aaron and I got in line at 9am, and were done at 10am. I was #751. Zac went too and ran around the gym playing with a basketball. As I was voting, an older woman came to me and said "Thanks for bringing the little guy, you made my voting enjoyable".

Then we went to starbucks to get free coffee and tea. Of course, we had to have a blueberry muffin and pumpkin loaf. The line there was just as long as it was for voting, but oh so yummy!

We voted! So get out there and vote!!!!