For this new year, I want to make some changes.
- Get organized
- Stay organized
- De-clutter
- Finish house projects
- Start a blog for each boy and print it out at the end of the year just for them. (I may do a catch-up blog for Zac starting when he was born, just for my benefit. Hey, he's only 1, I can easily do that)
- Make some money from photography
- Read 1 book a month
- Finish some scrapbook projects, so I can catch-up to the digital photos.
- Have 1 date a month with my Husband
- Have 1 day a month to myself (no husband or kids)
- Lose about 15 lbs.
- Read my bible every week
I would love to finish the house projects soon! They are mostly do it yourself things, except carpeting. But our bedroom is in dire need of repair! Scrape the ceiling, retexture, paint and flooring. Then there is the kitchen backsplash and a section on the ceiling that needs to be fixed and add a light that we have had for about a year now. I don't think that it will take long to do, just the knowledge and stamina to do it!
Finally the last thing on my list is too
- Sell our house and move to a "new" house
You should know that this is always on my list of things to do, but we never get to that. I think that the older my kids get the more important it is to do this last thing! I like my house now and really like my boys school and the fact that we live 2 blocks away. But, sadly, there is no room to grow or play here and my boys do not have friends that we can go see. We need some space (like a few acres) to move around and get outside. So hopefully, this is the year to try and move.
Any Hoo, that is all. See ya next year