Saturday, September 6, 2008

Turning 6 on Sept 6th

Parker turned 6! Oh my goodness, how time flies. It seemed like just yesterday he was born. I don't think that I will ever forget any of my children's births. I don't like to get induced (Dr. agrees), so when my babies are born you just never know for sure when or what to expect.

At my appointment the day before, I was 3 cm, fully efaced, and ready to go. the Dr. said he was on call that weekend and I would probably have a baby soon. The contractions I felt never hurt, so I was feeling good. I prayed that I would sleep all night and that I wouldn't need an epidural this time. I went to bed that night and slept good. The next morning around 6:45, I had a strong pain. So I told Aaron and said that he probably could sleep a while. I called Kathy and said that I thought labor was starting and not to go in to work that day. She said that she would get her things ready. I was excited. The Dr. had said to come to the hospital when the contractions were 5 min apart. So I wasn't worried.

Next thing I know, I had another pain that didn't stop. I rushed to the bedroom told Aaron to get up and I called Kathy back. She said that she wouldn't get there for 20 mins or so. Aaron burst out of bed and called Joe and Kristen. Joe said he could be here soon. We loaded the car and when Joe got there we left and Alex was still sleeping. I got to the the hospital and had Parker at 8:30 that morning. It is the closest I have ever come to having a baby in the car and let me tell you it was scary! I kept telling Aaron to pull over and I think he just drove faster. My prayers had come true though, I got a good nights sleep, had a baby in the morning without medicine and enjoyed the hospital stay.

Parker is sweet, sensitive, stubborn, a great brother, a kind person. He likes to play sports, draw, pull pranks, listen to books, feed cows, play in the mud and drive any type of vehicle he can (tractors, golf-carts, power wheels, bumper cars).
Happy Birthday Parker
I love you

1 comment:

linda t said...

Oh, I love your sweet Parker! Of course, I am such a softy for 2nd born/ middle-child kids.
Parker just melts me. Hope he had the best birthday ever!
And what a great story about his birth! God sure answered your prayers!