Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Kitchen is Done



New tile, paint, countertops, sink, faucet, stove, dishwasher, switches, plug-ins........It is finally done. And it feels really good. Don't get me wrong though, putting in the tile was really, really hard! But it looks really good!

We have done more this summer to our house than we have in years, and everything is almost done. We just had insulation blown in the attic yesterday and it has helped out tremendously! Aaron and I both were surprised by how cool our house became. We are dumb for not doing it years ago, we probably spent thousands on our utilities because our attic was not insulated. Oh well lesson learned the expensive way, I guess. Our goal was to sell this house and find an acreage, but so far only one house was available we could afford and fit our needs but I don't think that it is the one. So we may have run out of time to move to another. It looks like the economy is going to get real bad soon, so we may have to just hunker down where we are for a while longer.


I have got to go take a better picture soon!

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